Hello, and welcome to my snazzy website!
Below is all the info you could ever wish to know about me and what I do.
Any questions, to chat about a project or costs, feel free to get in touch via email: Jana@Jana-Kennedy.com

Jana Kennedy
Facilitating Creativity, communication, changing cultures and innovation. Personal development Coach. Faculty associate @ NHS R&D NW. Honorary Lecturer at Liverpool University
I focus on Team development, Compassionate Leadership, risk taking and Innovation, all through a lens of FUN & PLAY.
I am also an accredited Personal development Coach, offering coaching to individuals, organisations and creatives.
I bring creativity, innovation, excellent facilitation, experimentation, culture shift and joy to everythng I do!
I have great people skills (theatre and clown training comes in handy - comedy is a great universal language!), and bring energy and enthusiasm into projects that I am working on.
Get in touch - it's a game changer!